
The regular monthly Raintree Village Homeowners Association Board Meeting is normally held on the second Monday of the month from September through June.  For the convenience of our HOA members and guests, meetings are held using Microsoft Teams videoconferencing software.  This allows people to attend from their homes using Microsoft Teams on a computer, tablet or smartphone.  You can also dial in using a regular telephone (audio only).

The next meeting will be held on Monday February 10th, 2025 at 7PM.

Send an email to to obtain the Microsoft Teams meeting password.  Please identify yourself in the email with your name, Raintree Village address and LOT NUMBER  (which can be found on your property tax bill or RVHA dues statement).

These are the links and information for attending the meeting (starts at 7:00PM EDT):

The Microsoft Teams Meeting ID is 290 971 976 996 .

Click this LINK to join the RVHA Microsoft Teams meeting at 7PM.

(you DO NOT have to download/install the Microsoft Teams app.  Click on the webpage where it says “Continue on this browser”)

To join via audio only, dial 1-332-249-0722 and enter the Phone Conference ID 670183156#

Click here for the meeting agenda.